Thursday, July 13, 2006

In Iceland we even found and picked up cigarette butts on the ground at Dettifoss, a remote place which boasts the most powerful waterfall in Europe. The beauty of the waterfull was stunning, but the butts on the rocks were ugly.

(picture courtesy of Tai)


Doug The Una said...

Great sign.

Mo'a said...

This would be a good sign to put by Dettifoss. Gera svo vel ad henda ekki sigarettu stubbum a jordina. Fiskarnir skrida ut a notinni til thess ad reikja, vid erum a reina ad lata tha haeta.
This is what the sign would say in Icelandic....there are some Icelandic letters I don't have on my computer.

Mo'a said...

Oh!!!Oh!!! welcome back. I will fly to Iceland on my birthday for a stop over and then spend the remainder of the day in Denmark with my son and his fiance....a double celebration.

Keshi said...

lolz thats a classic!


Lindsey said...

I love that sign! How cute.

tsduff said...

Thanks Doug :-)

Mo'a, sigh... I love it when you talk in Icelandic :-) Wish I could. You are going to have such a fabulous time on your trip - I wish you safe journey and lots of dancing :-)

Hi Keshi - how are you? So sad to hear about the tragedy in India... hope your friends and family are all okay.

Hi Linny - That sign appeals to me too, on many levels. I like fish.

Minka said...

Lovely sign. We sure could use them at some places in iceland. But we are giving up smoking in pubs, we have to start somewhere!