Saturday, January 30, 2010

(I don't know the artist)

This is how my Sweetie makes me feel.

Every day.


Ariel the Thief said...

You cannot find your clothes and have to leave for work in his shirt? That man!

the walking man said...

It is most fortunate for you and him that this is the feeling he leaves for you to begin your day with.

Doug The Una said...

Well, at least he doesn't make you feel discreet.

Agnes said...

Love that painting and I'm so jealous. Can my sweetie take lessons from your sweetie. :)

Yes, Fbook stole my blogging abilities. Our sparrow is all grown up and has his first coat of beautiful, boy-sparrow feathers. I'll have to take new piccies soon. He's got a yellow parakeet freind too. (in her own cage because she's moody and slightly dangerous LOL) He chirps at her all day long and sits in his cage as close to her as he can get. She just gives him the cold shoulder.
Pics soon.
Hugs and love.

javajazz said...

lucky you!
ps: as usual,
Doug's humour slays me...
(in a good way, of course.)

McRaven said...

My sweetie to does this for me...we are blessed.