Thursday, April 01, 2010

Easter Vacation.
April Fool's Day.

End of Winter. Beginning of Spring.

April showers bring
Spring flowers.

Yin & Yang.

Death and Taxes.

Oh - and chocolate Easter eggs.

Rabbit Rabbit - and good luck in April!

Looking forward to spending some time in front of the Dawg - have never seen - only heard of his famous digs/canine companions/surroundings... I hear he does a great bbq...


Doug The Una said...

Rabbit rabbit!

I'm training the twins to recognize your picture and the smell of smoke, so they'll be friendly.

Jeanne said...

Tibbar tibbar. I will never learn.

Nessa said...

Rabbit, Rabbit. You'll be able to divulge all of his secrets.

Lindsey said...

Ugh. Let's hope there are now showers around the 17th!!!

the walking man said...

Send chocolate.

DJ Kirkby said...

Good luck to you too. x

Logophile said...

tibbar, tibbar!

The wind here in my part of the world feels more wintry than springy. We did have some lovely sun earlier, and in typical human fashion that just made me more unhappy with the grey, blustery day.
Ah well, yin and yang.
When you go for BBQ pat all the available heads affectionately for me, would you?

Anonymous said...


Poliwhirl said...

