Thursday, April 15, 2010

- fresco mural on the wall of 1926 church - Flatey, Iceland Baltasar

April 15th - Day for Death and Taxes.

Life, a stormy sea awash
Wind and foam threaten
To capsize the boat


laughingwolf said...

nothing's more permanent than death and takes... except, perhaps, man's inhumanity to man :(

Lone Grey Squirrel said...

I am trying to evade both. I'll tell you how that goes. Of course, if I fail, I might not get the chance to tell you. :)

Doug The Una said...

I see what the two have in common, I sale can't save you.

the walking man said...

I had a tax cut this year (thank you schedule M) so the boat goes on with no death to next year.

Anonymous said...


tsduff said...

Laughing Wolf - How sad but true.

Actonbell - I love your blissful unawareness of April 15th. How did you do it?

Lone Grey Squirrel - Speak to me - did you survive both? Sends out the calvalry...

Doug - Sail, Sale or Save, my boat is sinking.

Mark - You lucky man. Good thing you walk rather than sail.

Anonymous - Care to row my boat? (Bring some life savers)

Lindsey said...

I love love love this picture! Beautiful.