Thursday, July 01, 2010

Manana Island Watercolor by OLGA SHEVCHENKO

Manana Manana - (Rabbit Rabbit in Hawaiian)
It is the first of the month and so I wish everyone good luck in the month of July.

Manana Island is located on the Windward side of O'ahu, north of Makapu'u Point. The shape of the island actually resembles a rabbit but it was named Rabbit Island because rabbits actually live there after a rancher released the animals there. Today the island serves as a seabird sanctuary.

The Bear has been in Hawaii for the past month, caring for his busy 3 year old granddaughter. This has allowed his eldest pregnant daughter to maintain her mandatory bed rest, as she awaits the birth of her second child.

Aloha honey.


TLP said...

Oh, love the new rabbit word!!

Rabbit rabbit to you and the Bear.

Anonymous said...

rabbit rabbit

Nessa said...

Rabbit, rabbit. (I said that with a grass skirt on.)

Doug The Una said...

Banana banana

Jeanne said...

Tibbar, tibbar, as usual.

I thought it was from the Spanish manana (manyana), which would be a great place to live, at least in this heat. But I don't, so I better get busy.

I have been a bad blogger ):
But I'm going to be better (:
Do be a do bee, right?

Ariel the Thief said...

All alone against a 3 year old? Brave man!

Ananam ananam!

k. riggs gardner said...

Lift six foot
seven foot
eight foot



k. riggs gardner said...

A beautiful bunch
a'ripe banana



tsduff said...

TLP - Manana Manana back attcha

Anonymous: nice

Nessa - Your hula skirt made the translation complete.

Doug - Are banana's harbingers of good luck?

Jeanne - I bet your "hot" ain't nothin like my hot ~wipes sweaty brow~ Okay Ms. Romper Room :)

Ariel the Thief: Well, not completely alone, but might as well be. Yes, he is as brave as they come.

Karen - I thought we left that ear worm over at Doug's Day post.

TLP said...

Hi Terry, it just occurred to me that you might misunderstand the "queer" talk between me and my daughter on her bird blog. She and I do that all the time. (She's gay you know that, right?) Just wanted you to know that we're not "like that."

TLP said...

No, not 3D. It's AP3. Yep. We've all met the Dawg. Love him!

tsduff said...

TLP - who couldn't love that guy? I mean, really?

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie...missing YOU

TLP said...

We have to stop meeting this way. My email is

javajazz said...

happy 4th of July,
and all that jazz...

Brian Miller said...

hey i learned something new today...i wonder have the rabbits taken over the island as they breed prety quick and i am thinking and enclosed habitat like that could get over run pretty quick....

happy 4th!

laughingwolf said...

coolios, terry! :)

Keshi said...


hey girl :) Hows u? It's been a while...but it's great being here again. Hope all is ok with ya. Dun ever think that I hv forgotten some of the finest souls that I met here in Blogville. I rem all of very well. u r always in my heart. Plz know that. TC too :)
