Thursday, December 08, 2005

Christmas in Iceland

Gleðileg jól!


tsduff said...

Naw, I went there in September when there wasn't any snow yet. Doesn't it look fun?

Sherri Sanders said...

It looks so festive and colorful.

Anonymous said...

Warmer there,then in Denver

Autumn Storm said...

All this pictures needs is Santa riding his sleigh across the sky, though its looking pretty perfect as is :-)

tsduff said...

Christmas Eve Autumn, Santa will be there :-D twinkle twinkle

Autumn Storm said...

Oh, well, that's alright then :-)
Really like this photo, looks like a magical, happy sort of town/city.
With every photo, the desire to go see for myself gets stronger. So many places, I want to visit, yet due to family being spread around the globe, I seldom get to go somewhere new. Definitely must make a point of one such holiday next year, the trouble will be choosing where to go.

tsduff said...

Make it a multi-destination romp... pack in as many wonderful experiences as you can!

Autumn Storm said...

Hey, not a bad idea. Continent hopping! Ooh, I'll be eyeing up that possibility all day.........

Autumn Storm said...

Terry, I was just on this site featuring proverbs from different countries. Looked up Iceland and these were the first two:
(not what I was expecting:-)

"Sæt er lykt úr sjálfs síns rassi."
Translation: Sweet is the smell from your own ass.
"Það er skammgóður vermir að pissa í skóna sína."
Translation: Pissing in your shoes won't keep your feet warm for long.

tsduff said...

Oh guffaw HA HA HA HA! Who says those Icelanders aren't Sages with a sense of humor! I'm sending them on to my Icelander for his reading pleasure. Great find Autumn!

Autumn Storm said...
