At a lovely suggestion from Doug , I give you some pictures of our scenic California Sierra mountain range, specifically the White Mountains, with which to compare to the rough, wild pictures of Iceland which have been plastered all over my blog of late.

The high desert is beautiful, and has, admittedly always tugged at my heart in a similar fashion to that of that awesome country called Iceland.

It's all there... the wild beauty, the wind, the empty open space, the peace and clear thinking which come with the serene quiet reality of just being there.
There is a sweet smell of sage, dust, and sometimes hint of smoke from a campfire on the breeze. The only things missing are the seabirds, and the sea itself.
The California Sierra mountain range is going on my list. Looks so nice and your description there at the end, makes me want to book flights right here, right now :-)
Evening, hope you have a good one!
Autumn, I think you are fooling everyone... you can't be in Denmark with the night hours you keep! Or perhaps you are just nocturnal and sleep like a kitty cat with just little naps here and there. Man alive girl - what are you doing up this late? I know it is the weekend tomorrow - did the kidlets keep you up?
That's so fantastic, Terry! White Mountain Rd. I used to herd cattle through where you took the top picture from. When were you there? If you had been there summertime in the late 80s that would have been my campfire you smelled.
I can't beieve I'm looking at White Mountain Rd. on someone else's blog.
I'm over the moon.
So lovely and Douglas has been there. That make sit even so much more special. And youa re rigth comparing it to Iceland. It is very similar from a distance....except the ocean all around. I wouldn´t mind sitting somehwere there around a camp-fire and let my sould roam the area.
Beautiful pcitures!
Honestly, Terry, I've had a lot to do recently and too much going on during the daytime to get it all done - at night there is nothing to disturb etc, thus there have been some very late nights recently. Too late and too many, with luck it should ease up, work and stuff, before I start getting bags or fall asleep in the shopping aisle or something :-D.
Have a great weekend, Terry! And keep me posted on those tickets - I'm about ready to do cartwheels just at the possibility, if/when you confirm, it'll be sommersaults (and I can't even do those:)
wow Terry, that's California? clashes with my mental image of CA. And the fact that Doug has been there too is very cool.
I love those photos. The South West has always reminded me of Iceland. The photo you had of the road to Snaefellsness reminds me of a road I travelled in Arizona. There the vegitation next to the road was sage colored and on the other side of the fence, the same color as the one in the Icelandic photo. The wide open spaces and then the rocky mountains.....beautiful and so inspiring.
Doug I imagined you hearding catle down the road in the top photo and I smell your fire.
Terry only 18 more days :)
Beautiful pics. It certainly looks like a wonderful place to be.
wow great pics Terry!
Mwahh n thanks for always being there for me!
Doug - :-D Glad you liked the memories. I haven't been there in years and years - but when I look at the pictures, I want to go back. How cool that you herded cattle there. If it were in Iceland, they would be sheep.
Monika - I'll join you at the campfire! Nothing like sitting around one, smelling the smoke and listening to the night surrounding you. I want to camp out when we are in Iceland, but I don't like the idea of trying to find wood to burn. (It is so scarce!)
Laura, tee hee :-) California is more than beaches and palm trees ya know :-) Lots of deserts, rocks and washes. So many beautiful places to admire and fall in love with.
Mo'a - I hadn't really thought of comparing California scenery to Iceland, until Doug mentioned that the lava might be familiar but red. Iceland really is a different animal completely, but there are some comparisons which can be made to the wide open spaces, breathtaking mountain vistas, and rocky beaches. Yep, only 16 more days! I'm beginning to panic as I haven't found the right backpacking sleeping bag yet.
Hey Fuzz - guess the intervention didn't work? :-) Glad to see you here.
Keshi - you just keep on being you. I love seeing your cheerful self - keep coming back.
Trace, nice to see you :-) Blogger ate my comment to you - sorry. And, yes, the countdown is relentless ticking... I should be happy but I'm beginning to panic. It is a good panic though - LOL
Yeah- that looks like West Texas. LOL Been there...done that. ;)
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