I've heard it said that people and their pets resemble one another......... I think beagle owners often go too far to perpetuate this phenomenon.
I found myself day dreaming the other day, about a while down that road when I reach my uh...well, "older" or retired years, when I might find I have a bit more free time to blither about at home. My house is at the moment, beagle-less. Having enjoyed the company, antics, insanity, hairpulling frustration, and great joy that comes with owning a beagle most of the years of my life up until now, I think about how fun it would be to get a puppy.....

What am I thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have since told my Sweetie that NO MATTER WHAT I say, or do, no matter how much I beg, plead, cry and wail, under NO circumstances whatsoever is he to let me even SEE a beagle puppy, much less get one!!
*Phew* - moment of weakness and temporary insanity had me there...I was almost a gonnner! I'll never fall for that sweet little face, puppy breath, baying, digging, runaway-escape artist, impossibly cute long ears, shoe-chewing, white tipped tail waving above the long grass... oh hell...
Oh Honey, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaase??????
no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no :-)
I just gotta have a dog house like that!
Have you talked to Dad or Bev about Snoopy? They have to find a new home for him. He is(or at least was) about the happiest beagle I ever did see. ;)
get some chicks instead :)
I think that someday I might get a miniature schnauzer...the kids should be out of the house in 17 years. We'll see then.
So you're trying to say... you like beagles?
That is a mighty cute puppy.
Awww! Way cute puppy! :)
I always thought a sweet little mini yorkie would be fun... mostly so I could put bows in its hair and it wouldn't knock things over when it wagged it's little tail!
I think that dog's house is nicer than mine!
That really is a cute puppy. Just sayin'.
Sweet Anon - what on earth would I do without you? xo
Icy - I think there must be room for all those cats you entertain in a house like that!
Kelly - surely you jest... Snoopy is so hyper! AND, he is imprinted on Alan. It just won't work if you don't bond with him. Well, actually, I did bond with my Beau... a beagle from the beagle rescue who was roughly 4 or 5 - best friend I ever had... but he was certainly the exception. Why are you trying to tempt me? :)
Dave and Julee - chicks? Can they chase rabbits?
Weatherchazer: Call me in 17 years, and we can commiserate :D
Ariel - man alive, am I that transparent?
Goldennib: Beagles are drop dead cute for the first 6 months of their lives. By then it's too late and you're hooked.
kshippiechic - Aren't yorkies mini already? Don't know where you'd get bows small enough for their fine little hairs. But I can relate with the tail thing... Our TOBIN has a tail as big as a whale.
Crazy Me - I think that house doesn't have a back door.
Ap3: Welcome to a Pez clan. I'm honored. I have to stop looking at the picture before lose control and do something foolish.
I do love that house and the adorable look on that dog's face...so hard to resisit :o)Thank you for you visit to my blog and your kind words...much appreciated.
I'm a parrot *BWARK!* Do you have a beagle puppy yet? I mean since writing this post
I think its house is even bigger than my flat. And such nice surroundings! I don´t have a pet now (the small spider in the corner doesn´t count). I really miss it.
makes very sad puppy eyes at you....
Awwww. So cute.
I wonder if my cat resembles me... I hope not, she's totally mad. :D
But just think how CUUUUUUTTTTEEE that little floppy earred face is and those BIG BROWN EYES looking back at you only wanting to make you a happy owner!!!
I am SUCH a sucker for just about any pet...EXCEPT for the pets that Toby blogged about yesterday...ewww!
Have a TERRIFIC wknd Terry!
I love beagles and cream cheese.
TC - I prefer bagels and lox :)
Ruth - How can you turn away from such a face? You have a wonderful blog and I am glad to have finally stopped by.
Annonymous - no puppy yet. I have a resident Bear who tries to keep me in line :) Say, my African Gray was terrible sneaky biter. My other hookbills don't attack--- do you? rawk!
SOe - We have been looking at Icelandic houses and flat online in Reykjavik. So cool. Sorry about your spidey - probably not enough live meat around there for him :)
Lime - yes they do, and it's all a giant HOAX to get you to pick them up, put them into your truck, and drive them HOME. Then the terror begins.
Lone Grey - read above :)
Bla - maybe she resembles you! Not bad, but what about the tail?
Jillie - Ewwww about Toby's "pets"... the fun stops when a lizard crawls through your eye...
Now have a great time this weekend yourself!
It is golden retrievers wih me. The one I have now is a mix and she rules the roost around here. At least she would if we had a roost,that is.
see, you asked G to say no,
and he didnt let you down!
digging, baying, shoe-chewing
escape artists?
wow, where can i git me one?
Oh love this post and absolutely love those sad puppy eyes in the second picture. They are calling you, you know? Be strong, keep fighting the feeling.
But they are so cute!
I have a resident Bear who tries to keep me in line :) Do you have a puppy yet? Do you have a puppy yet? *BWARK!*
You called?
I just watched Cats and Dogs last night and that beagle is really cute too. :) Now our pug though....She beats them all cause she is so ugle you have to love her. Even when she eats your disk of all your pictures, chews the kids favorite toys and tips the trash across the entire living room. :)
Seeing that face, I want one too!!
Seventh Sister - you LOOK like you have a roost :)
Golden retrievers are the most lovable family members.
JJ - I know you already have one, yes? (occasionally enough as it is with the pup you dogsit). Yes, The Bear is trying valiantly to save me from a fate....which I shudder to contemplate.
Barman - how nice of you to stop by. I AM trying to stay strong, fight the feeling = I think I'm losing the tug of war.
Annonymous - Sheesh! Now I know why I had to give up my LuLu (African Gray). She TALKED to much! :) (actually, my daughter's friends taught LuLu some very potty mouth words, and I couldn't have that around my Grandson Hunter.
barrroooooooo barrrrooooooooo
Sal - well, you wouldn't give away a kid now, would you? Midna is in that category, although you could send her to bed without her supper....
Autumn, you know, if you see one, let it kiss you with it's sweet puppy-breath licky tongue - you'll be lost.
wow I didn't know about your love for beagles. I met Doug's beagle Willie, I see where your weakness stems from :)
awwwww -- i am SO the wrong person to offer advice about NOT getting a new puppy. we have 3 dogs and all i can think of is adding another.
the one in this picture is pretty darn cute, Terry! not sure I could pass up a face like that -- and i sure as hell won't be surprised to find out you couldn't either! ; )
Beagle pups are so cute!
I can see why you have such a weakness for them.
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