Saturday, July 19, 2008

It will be so good to see it - so refreshing and uplifting to see the moon again. Not an orange smokey moon, obscured by the smoke from numerous wildfires burning throughout the state of California... but a clear, large creamy moon. It hasn't risen yet.. but I'm waiting. Don't you just love a full, summer moon? Accompanied by the timeless sound of crickets in the grass, the velvety soft night air, and if you are lucky, the brush of fingers with your Love... ahhhhh.

Hurry up home my moon child.


Tom & Icy said...

I forgot to go out and look. Guess it is still up there.

Doug The Una said...

The full moon means bad dogs to me.

Ariel the Thief said...

The Moon talks to us.

yellowdoggranny said...

I love the moon, no matter it's shape or size..when I lived in my little house, before I moved to the retirement apts. I would do nekkid moon dances for I have to do them in the living room, but it still works...

Fred said...

The man in the moon is always a welcome sight.

Dr.John said...

A full summer moon isn't that what brings out the weirdos ? It still is wonderful to look at.

Anonymous said...

Yes, indeed a very special moon. i love the sound of crickets and the cicadas on a hot summers night.

lime said...

oddly enough, i live across the continent far from the fires and yet the moon last night was soooo orange.

Jamie Dawn said...

Happy Belated b-day to Bear!!!!

Here in AR, we toss in lightning bugs (fireflies) to add some more magic to the summer evenings.
We also add MOONshine to the mix.
