Blind rise ahead! Everyone gets them - might as well enjoy the ride. Life is full of these - blind speed bumps. Blind sides, blind corners, blind curves... you name it, it is all the same. Dodging them is out of the question - you just have to deal with them as they pop right up in front of you. I especially enjoy the Icelandic variety - all it means is slow going-and cautiousness ahead... and it is all a blast as well as fabulous adventure... never fear them. Everybody has them - just enjoy the ride.
I wonder how many times that sign's been hit.
So true, so true.
I feel like I've encountered so many blind obstacles the past few years. It's been a wild ride... I've learned, the best way to handle these blind areas in life, is to face them without fear and enjoy the ride.
Rabbit rabbit. Happy first of the month.
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