Sunday, April 24, 2011

Life, death, hand in hand

No special rules conform them

Each profoundly real

Today the Icelandic part of the family is in deep mourning at the loss of an Uncle, Brother, Father, Husband, Friend... a vibrant part of the family who has gone away to that mysterious, unreachable place we all will discover in our own time. Gunnar first became known to me on my virgin visit to Iceland where, amidst the blur of Icelandic relatives, he stood out like a sparkling gem with his sky blue eyes twinkling in hidden mirth when directed at me. After meeting one of his daughters Asa, I was introduced to the further magical qualities of this man: he was a friend to Ravens! Passionately loving the outdoors, he befriended a Raven, who came to be tame enough to sit right on Gunnar's shoulder... I drool with envy at the thought. I didn't know him for very long, but in that abbreviated length of time, he grew to legend purportions in my heart. I know he leaves a great family - large, loving, and now adrift without his loving direction. I just wanted to say "Peace Gunnar", and may the Ravens of Odin guide you to your destiny.


Unknown said...

I am sorry for the loss of your friend. A kindred spirit is hard to find. The picture is iconic. I like it a lot.

Nessa said...

He sounds like a very wonderful man. I am sorry for your loss.

Doug The Una said...

Sorry for your loss. You tell his story well.


Ariel the Thief said...

Sorry for the loss of yours and your family, and also for the loss of the Raven!

Ariel the Thief said...

(That was me, the Thief.)

weirsdo said...

We are sorry for your loss.

tsduff said...

Thank you all for the kind thoughts.

EcoRover said...

Great tribute to a good man. Your art work?