Thursday, August 01, 2013

Rabbit Rabbit - today is the first day of August, 2013.  Yet another new beginning, if I choose to look at it that way.  A favorite blogger The Walking Man asked me why I stopped blogging.  I have been thinking hard about the answer.  I used to derive tremendous joy in publishing a part of myself through pictures and words.  The thought that anyone might actually want to read, or cared about what I created was intoxicating.  And I, in turn, expanded my own boundaries, acquiring new friends through blogging - many which have completely stuck and endured through the years, though some of our collective blogs have faded.  To answer Mark's question I suppose I must say I got into a space of discontent - worry, depression, job hunting, middle aged crisis if you will.... I lost the joy.  I used to always find the time to blog, often coming home from my regular 8 to 5:30 job and staying up into the wee hours of the morning, sometimes struggling with the technicalities of Blogger to get my thoughts and pictures (I LOVE pictures) out on blogger.  I never missed the first blog of each month - as I subscribed to the Rabbit Rabbit cult of good luck... several of my Blogger friends have started posting their Rabbit Rabbit good luck posts on Facebook - as have I.  I feel the need to get back to my Blog - my own outlet of creativity - I miss some of the folks who have passed away, or quit blogging as I have... Thank you Walking Man for re-igniting a few of my lost braincells.  You have done me a  good thing :)


Vicki said...

Welcome back, sometimes you just need a break from it to renew the vigour. I look forward to reading more from you. I am also taking a short break from my blog but will definitely be back soon.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back--xogb rabbit rabbit

Will D. said...

A belated Welcome Back and a bug hug. With all the things that consume our time as adults, it's amazing that we have ANY time for blogging. I rarely do it any more. Once in a while I'll think up something clever and write it in my Text file of things that I am going to post someday.
Blogging has been ruined by Facebook, just as "voice chat" ruined chat rooms, and chat rooms ruined bulletin boards. It seemed more civilised then, forcing people not only to write, but to write semi-coherent sentences. For a guy like me with Asperger's, being able to write to people rather than having to talk to them was great. Nowadays, I post comments on news stories and websites with comments sections to express my opinions. And occasionally, I still put my weird thoughts about words online. Hope you are Well Terry. :-).

Will D. said...

BIG hug! .. not bug hug! :-D :-D :-D

pia said...

Ah the joy--I lost it sometime ago.

Blogging became so frazzling

But I need to write as much as I need oxygen.

Not about disability though it's worthy. It's not who I am. People center their identities around their problems and I can't.

I had endless energy and seemed to have used my quota up. I'm intent on finding new sources of energy and just doing...

Anyway I'm glad we're both back in the blogging world!