Saturday, August 01, 2009

Rabbit Rabbit - here it is August already and I'm still in February...

Let's do the time warp again.

Seems I have taken a sabbatical from blogging - it just happened. I must say I've become enamored with Facebook and its many applications (Fairyland and Farmtown to name a few) *hangs head in shame* so there - the secret of my blogging absence is out.

Have missed you all - will try to post from a different perspective after my return from Iceland later in August. :) Thanks for sticking with me.


Doug The Una said...

Ah but we remember you fondly. Enjoy your trip.

javajazz said...

rabbit rabbit,
facebook fan!
you're going to Iceland!
thats awesome!
you love Iceland!
ps Fairyland and Farmtown?
oh well,
theres something
for everyone on f-book.
have fun!

Anonymous said...

BUTT YEAH I'll wait for ya.. Have a blast.Anne

Anonymous said...

august august XO

the walking man said...

It's always winter in August somewhere.

tsduff said...

Doug - You know I have no choice - Iceland is a place where enjoyment is mandatory.

JJ - The draw of Iceland is getting stronger year to year - one day it may swallow me entirely. I hope so. =)

Anne - You live in a paradise almost as great as Iceland - you and your G are the bomb :)

Actonbell - Trust me - the two F's are as deadly as crack. They are evil and suck up your time like a sponge. Be sure to check them out! :)

Sweetie - i love you too

Walking Man - I can always count on your outside-the-box perspective to be refreshing and thought provoking.

TLP said...

ME too! Facebook I mean. I didn't want to do it. Didn't mean to get just happened.

I have held myself to just my family, but that's enough to keep me glued to Facebook for hours. Scary.

Mo'a said...

I am glad I joined Facebook...or I would hardly ever see you. I am not in the swing of things there yet...some things I just don't get :)
Have a wonderful time in Iceland you lucky lady...Have a Baearins Bestu for me.

EcoRover said...

Welcome back to the 'sphere. Always wondered how the Easter Bunny got to be a tender of eggs...

northern musings said...

Missed you!!! Good to see you back and thanks for your visits! Hope your sweety is back with you and that all is well.