Some days the present and the future feel quite undefined. Adrift, so to speak. I feel like that today - knowing life will continue to unfold whether I jump cognizantly into the mix or not. I don't see any land in sight. I do know it is there somewhere, and that I may make landfall, but as of this very moment, I have no compass with which to determine my direction. One can only hope that one is drifting in a positive direction.
Drifting might be the smartest thing to do, at least sometimes, neither actively swimming ahead or trying to go back, but just bobbing along in the current...to continue with the water metaphors :-) Just trusting. Depends on the situation of course, and we never like to be completely unknowing of where we are headed, the unknown seems too frightening. Bobbing also implies a sense of limbo also, not always pleasant either. Maybe it's just time to relax for a bit, catch your breath, and then once you have, you can start swimming again.
As said, depends on the situation.
Hope you are having a good Monday, xo
Nice piccies by the way, esp. the top one :-)
If that's the scenery then float, lady. Float.
It's the bobbing that upsets my stomach :-/
Drifting might be the smartest thing to do, at least sometimes, neither actively swimming ahead or trying to go back, but just bobbing along in the current
Autumn, I think just the fact that I'm drifing means that I have little or no control at the moment about not one, but several things which are big question marks in my pondering mind (good heavens is that ever a run-on sentence...). I don't like the fuzziness of it - because I can't see over the horizon to determine how long it might be... even ball park guess... as to when things might shift back under my control. It just means I want to know things now - answers, outcomes, forks in the road at which I have to chose my own direction... you know, that stuff. The impossible stuff.
The best remedy is to live in the present, the future will take care of it self.
Doug - Can you see me? I'm bobbing by (waves)... no decisions being made here at the moment.
Ah Mo'a my friend - you always have such practical wisdom. I am living completely in the present I think - that is why I'm so unsettled! Not used to an unplanned stretch of road ahead.
Say, how is your Mom?
always the last to know--just bee-bopping along myself.Sorry you feel rudderless--
Autumn: :-)
My Annonymous One:
Rudderless? No. Unable to determine the direction or destination of drift? Yes. But not necessarily a bad thing. :-) And YOU are the one floating with me :-)
Agness - yes. Very succinct with your Friday post of Limbo :-) tee hee - not such a bad place to be, after all.
Sometimes the best things happen when you are adrift. Too many plans mean no surprises.
Amazing scenery. In my few years on this planet I have learned this: There is usually catching you something or someone when you fall.
I saw the coutndown to iceland in 29 days. Are you sure you want to do that? It is actually snowing as I am typing this :)
Maybe you are Icelandic?! I see my auntie is commenting away on this blog as well!
And thank you for stopping by at my site!
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