Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Don't touch my bone! I cannot watch this video at work... it puts me into hysterics and I just can't even breath for laughing...

I think Fido needs to chill a little and realize that he and his foot are on the same side...


robkroese said...

That is so funny, and yet part of me wonders if that dog is brain damaged or something.

Logophile said...

My kids LOVE watching that.
As far as they are concerned youtube is really just for watching world's funniest animal clips.

Nessa said...

That dog is so funny, so serious.

Jeanne said...

I agree with Diesal. He is suffering from neglect, a symptom of brain damage, and doesn't know that foot is a part of him. Keeps his life exciting, though. Our dog enjoys his bones most when he thinks someone else wants them.

Anonymous said...

i'm thinkin' his back leg is possessed. that clip is seriously hilarious. (and, yes, sad if it turns out he IS and/or WAS a neglected pooch).

i guess it's wrong to laugh...and yet, i. can't. seem. to. help. myself. HAHAHAHAHAHA! : )

Kelly said...

I think someone tied a fish line to his leg and it pulling it up by his head. There's no way a dog would normally do that. Poor doggie. :(

Keshi said...

HAHAHAHAHA Good one Terry!!!


Anonymous said...

it's as though that hind leg has a mind of its own!

hilarious video. i am laughing out loud.

Autumn Storm said...

Very funny. :-D

Happy Wednesday and rest of the week, Terry. :-)

SIMON said...

That is so funny Terry!!

Mo'a said...

Poor little guy...I think, he realy thinks it's his tail...My cat jumps when she catches sight of her tail out of the corner of her eye...sometimes I think it is her form of entertaining us.

Funny clip Terry.

javajazz said...

of course, only i could find
something like that
really sad...
poor puppy.

tsduff said...

Diesel - brain damaged, I doubt it. Madly (and temporarily insane)focused upon his bone, maybe.

Logophile - I haven't really discovered youtube yet; somebody sent me that clip ages ago and I just learned how to put it up. I can't stop laughing even now as I watch it - HA HA HA!

Goldennib: yes - all at the same time!

Jeanne - so nice to see you again. (where have you been?) I had a beagle once that used to guard my standing butcher block in the kitchen - Banjo wouldn't let anyone come within 4 feet of it when I was preparing dinner. It was so funny! He wasn't neglected, but was obsessive about food.

Neva - I have to scream with laughter after just reading your comment... why do I torture myself watching that clip again!!?

Kelly - that is a very mean thing if somebody actually did tie & tug his leg... but why can't I stop *gasp* laughing *choke*

Keshi - thanks Kesh- :-)

Catnapping: I do think the leg is trying to steal the dog's bone. HA HA HA HA!!!!!

Autumn - Glad to see you too! Don't know why that video hit my funny bone so hard, but I get silly watching that dog. BTW, that was a very nice post you did about your friends. Class act.

Ebezp (or is it Simon)... Glad you laughed... I can't stop!!! *wheeze - guffaw*

Mo'a - Now THAT would be something to watch a cat get scared by her own tail... ha ha ha. Most cats I know get embarassed by little slips of dignity like that, and will swiftly recover in order to stalk off hautily.

tsduff said...

JJ - okay enough laughing at the poor puppy. (I'm normally not an advocate of animal mistreatment... really I'm not) It's just something like doggy slapstick, and my knee-jerk reaction is just as swift...I can't help myself.

javajazz said...

thats okay, human nature and all,
i dont mean to be any kind of party pooper....
and i suppose the animal is mistreating
himself, but there seems to be some
dissociation going on (is that a word?)
between his leg and his brain, something
that isnt connected to tell him that leg actually
belongs to him...tho cats do chase their tails...
dont know, it's just that YouTube reminds me
of americas funniest home videos which i
also quite dislike, where people tend to
do irresponsible destructive things just to
get a laugh or money or have people
pay attention to them...okay, i'll stop,
but i wont laugh.

jillie said...

OMG...I am crying from laughing so hard. Maybe that dog has taken one too many bones to the head????

Thanks for the laugh!!!

LMAO....giggle giggle...

Minka said...

split personalities in dogs is hard to deal with :)

this is hilarious!

Doug The Una said...

Very funny. That little fella has to be part chow.

Ariel the Thief said...

the Bible says something about cutting off the limb of yours scandalize you, I wonder that doggie takes it real seriously...