moon rise
... as captured
by the fabulous
French photographer
Pierre-Paul Feyte.
I've always loved the moon -
been fascinated at how on earth
it could look so huge and yellow
as it first appears at edge of the horizon,
screaming it's awesome presence with it's silent enormity
only to shrink to a small, unimpressive, faraway, ball as it climbs across the sky.
Enjoy the full moon.
Those are the words! I cannot find words so fine you do but I share your love. Once I saw it huge and red just above the horizont, so I know that is not something movie makers made up. And what a difference it makes to look at it sitting in a city or in the woods far from any other light. You almost understand the Universe!
The full moon was supposed to happen three minutes ago here ... I can't see it :) Have to wait until dark ...
It´s a wonderful dream!
Beautiful words and picture. Hey! Tonight is the Harvest Moon! It rises in the East as the Sun sets.
Nice big full moon on the way into work today. It looks as if we will have a moon set this morning. If you were sitting on the beach it would probably look very cool.
I have a full schedule, not a full moon, but it's not at all as nice to look at.
I've made 3 quarts of your wonderful dills. My cukes let me down this year. Too much rain, too little sunshine. I've got a song on in the background right now called Sunshine. I just know you (both, even) would love this album, if you don't already have it. Jonathan Edwards, no title. First Album. You're going to get it from me if you don't buy it for yourself. That can be interpreted two ways, can't it? Well, all I need is your address, in either case :)
Ahhhh....to be under the spell of the moon. So very very mesmerizing!
Jeanne - "Sunshine go away to day... don't feel much like dancin...."
Say, that's a gloomy song but not really :) A blast from the past to say the least. Wonderful to hear from you - hope all is well.
As for the dills - lucky you. I don't have any cukes either - tried to buy a box from the produce store down the road, but it just closed temporarily due to a car crashing through its front windows, smashing everything. You should try the chutney I made... found Grandma's most treasured and famous receipe after 15 years without it. When she died I got the last several jars in the pantry, but then nobody had the receipe. So, when I found the lost receipe box, I went nuts and made a ton of my beloved chutney, and promptly finsihed off an entire jar already. ummmmmm.
Ariel - Ahhh, a kindred moon soul. I also used to think there was no way that the moon could possibly be that big (still might even be exaggerated a bit) but I've seen it with my very own eyes.
Annonymous - well, perhaps in the spring it takes a few more minutes for the sap to rise (oops - meant to say the moon :))
SOe - It does seem dream like, doesn't it? That's why the moon is so cool - it casts a spell on everyone. Its beauty is ageless.
Tom and Icy - I've often touted the Harvest Moon as being my favorite - but I never heard that the sun goes down just as the moon comes up. It's true - when I stop and think about last night's moonrise... lovely lovely. Does Icy howl at the moon?
SoCal Sal - Hey you! Sitting on the beach to view the moonrise would be heavenly. Ahhh - moments you dream of... It is difficult to see the moon for the trees and hills (and yes, unfortunately, houses and buildings) from my house. But you can see it from the wilderness at the reservior near my home. Bliss. I watched the geese fly in honking, and cross the evening sky before skimming in for a landing on the water last night.
Jeanne - see above :)
Jillie - There's no place I'd rather be!
Can you imagine how the moon, and indeed the sun too, must have looked to cavemen when they first saw them?! ;-)
Kingcover - why are you asking me? Oh, okay, you said "imagine", not remember... LOL. Most likely, the same way they look to us!
Gorgeous gorgeous photo!!!! How do you even find all of those lovely photos? How did that man even find his way to that location to take that magnificent shot? I dream of sometime being in the right place at the right time to take a memorable shot like that!!:D
Beautiful pic of course. The words wonderful and we all live under the same one!!
As always...just like you!
Thanks for being such a good friend..G
Well,it is true I have not been blog surfing-nor checking e-mail...damn dial up is sure slow...It was a fine moon--like it when its a blue moon(two full moons in one month)double the beauty in month!!!Again I am so Sorry for the sad events of July--birthdays,and holidays all seem to bring it to the forefront as if it was yesterday--the best i can do is say a prayer--and know what joy he brought to so many--one can only hope that,they-have brought as much joy to the world as Josh has done!!Time erases the harsh pain BUT NOT the beauty of memories!!!Wishing YOU the very best today and everyday,and know You are LOVED by many and held in high regard and may that be a comfort for YOU...Much Love To YOU-TERRY.........XoXoxo
It's beautiful, thank you so much for finding this and posting it.
Kelly - I have lots of pictures of the moon. When I was at college I did a paper on it... it was fun. So much beauty and yet mystery through the history of mankind. The photographer probably got dropped off by some plane to get the shot... LOL.
Ebezp - one day I'll learn to type your moniker... ha ha. Thanks for that perspective that we are all in fact, under the very same moon everywhere all over the world. Makes the old ball (earth) seem a bit small, yes?
G-Man - count me part of the lunatic fringe :)
My own Annonymous: Your kind and eloquent words always smooth away all the rough edges. Thank you for everything. For helping me shoulder my own little portion of sorrow - making it lighter. For your gentle way of taking my hand so patiently through difficult moments. For reminding me that the beauty of the memories Josh gave me will always be there. i love you
TC - That picture is so nice - blue, soothing, dark, beautiful... I could look at it all day long. I would love to actually be there in it.
beautiful. this week the full moon DID seem larger and more magical than usual, didn't it? i love that. ; )
Neva - only love? You are so effusive and vivacious and loveloveloving :) Yes, the moon was fabulous, and it was in full beautiful view, with no clouds to obscure it.
its friday--NO FOX SLATED NEWS for two days-- : - )
It ought to be banned.
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