You may remember a little while ago, when I talked about the magnificent fish happily caught by my Dad last month on his birthday. I waited, and waited some more, and hope finally faded when I never received a package on my doorstep. Well, this morning, guess what arrived? And furthermore, guess what we had for lunch today?
Take a few tomatos, peppers,

and onions from the garden,

Put a little butter in your favorite cast iron skillet,

and viola! Best lunch on the planet. We just couldn't wait until dinner.
I want this NOW and it's breakfast time!
wow, is that the actual fishie?
beautiful presentation...!
martha stewart's gonna be seething
that yours looks better than hers.
you forgot the napkins and i need one because i am drooling....
you know what looks almost as good as that fish and all those beautiful coloured veggies?
i could eat that whole slab of butter.
***Keshi drops dead just by drooling...
This is not fair! I have to eat the ... food in our canteen. :(
Yum. Lucky you.
Annonymous: Nothing like a nice fresh caught fish for breakfast!
JJ - Shhh - okay, I cheated on the final piccie but it's only because the one I had (the fish was smothered in onions) wasn't as pretty as er... well, Martha's :) But it tasted better I'm sure.
Lime - Who needs napkins... it was gone to quickly to worry about being tidy LOL
Lisa - Now you're talking. We dang near DID eat all that butter - it wasn't as good as sweet Icelandic butter but it did melt in our mouths :) "Um, may I please have a little fish with my butter?"
Keshi - Oh, man, sorry mate - we polished it all off - *fans her face to revive her*...
Soe - But Iceland has such fabulous canteens, yes? What's on the menu today?
Nessa - Yes, lucky and blessed. A meal of bliss ~but it's gone now~.
I just ate lunch and I'm hungry again! Delish and a beautiful presentation (always a nice bonus) - never mind fresh garden veg too. Um mmmmm.
Bon appetit!
Jealousy is a me a sinner.
Lovely presentation and beautiful photos...What are the purple flowers...borage?
G - although are garden suffered terribly this year due to our absence from home several long weeks, we still enjoy home grown better than store bought like you city slickers have to put up with...
Mo'a - I stole the final presention photo, I cannot tell a lie (another sin LOL) but the flowers are basil gone wild.
Whoaa! :)
Looks delicious. I don't think I ever grew onions in our garden. We had a cow when I was a kid and I had to sit and pump that churn thing until we could scoop butter off the top.
I didn't know you could send fish in the mail. Wouldn't it spoil or something before it got there?
Lime you can always use your shirt sleeve! LOL...great photos of the food. I just ate and now I'm hungry again...schlurp!
You are one lucky gal!
What an awesome post!!!
Is there NO END to your talents?
YummO!!..(Sorry Rachel)
oh yum. i want summmm!
great post. i am sooo hungry now.
thank you very much!
Mmmmmmmm .... looks yummy!
at least I don't have to look at the
I could never figure out how people like a fish on their plate with the eyes still open, at least put a blindfold on em...LMAO@me
Have a great week terry.
Yum-bo I want some ummmmm. Hey Terry which cards do you want. I will be changing the price this weekend and offering the cards without deckle edge unless you request it blah blah blah new cards will be awesome and are $4.25 ea. Also Geo. said we will throw in a 6th card free for "our TerryBear" e-mail me okay and I'll get them to you asap , you may want to wait til this weekend to see the new ones.They are more expensive to make so I have to charge that. Let me know whatcha want or if you want one of the crows on the deckle...Love ya
yummy yummy for your tummy. seriously, that looks flat out delicious. mmmmmmm. ; )
The had 3 times fish this week. But I think yours was better!
Voila and you sorta shared it with us,too. So generous.
love the picture of the skillet and the butter melting one!
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