We are still here on San Juan Island. Friday Harbor Paradise. 
We go down to the fish house in the Friday Harbor marina occasionally to feed Popeye - the resident Harbor Seal who lost her eye somewhere along the way - she loves sardines and will take them gently from your hand like a puppy.

We discovered a nice park with a funny name yesterday “Ruben Tarte
Memorial Park” – it was way at the top of the island in a small steep
little rocky cove with big cliffs all around down to the sea – sheltered
and quiet.
There was only one other
couple there and G & I sat on a log and watched the boats go by –
there is a fair amount of boat traffic in the east sound every day.
Here at the cabin on the west
side of the island, we watch tons of boats go by in the Haro Straights,
including giant container ships, whale watching boats, lots of
kayakers, regular private sports boats; sail boats, plus an
occasional huge passenger cruise ship.
There are seaplanes that fly into the local harbor (Roche Harbor) which are terribly loud.
I do love to hear the gulls
crying all day – and when the eagle flies by all of the gulls and
cormorants fly off of the rocks in a hurry.
One morning we watched two
eagles working in tandem – one would fly after a lone gull and then the
other one would take over, tiring the gull out.
It finally went to the water, and then the eagle dived down and plucked him right up.
Kind of sad, but amazing to see.
At night we watch the river
otters playing along the tide line, and sometimes the harbor seals will
smack their tails on the water like a beaver tail.
It is incredibly loud.
Once in a while at night when
the sea is calm we can hear the Orcas breathing loudly through their
blowholes… truly a wildlife wonderland.
We have front row seats from our small deck above the beach/water.
A few days ago a dead fawn
(still had its spots) was on the beach – the deer come down to the beach
often and this one must have lost its footing on the rocks and fell in.
Soon the turkey vultures came and stalked it… hanging around in the trees until one got brave enough to start picking at it.
Then they all came down – about 7 or 8 of them and they have a pecking order just like chickens!
I would say that some of them went away hungry because a few of the vultures wouldn’t let anyone else have any. Some eagles were there too but we went to town and I didn’t see if they fed. The next day the “body” was gone – and we could see it out in the clear water just offshore where the high tide had robbed the vultures of their prize. Richard was glad – he told me he had taken a black bag and was going to get it but the tide took it first. I would have let the birds finish it. It’s all gone now, in just a day.
I would say that some of them went away hungry because a few of the vultures wouldn’t let anyone else have any. Some eagles were there too but we went to town and I didn’t see if they fed. The next day the “body” was gone – and we could see it out in the clear water just offshore where the high tide had robbed the vultures of their prize. Richard was glad – he told me he had taken a black bag and was going to get it but the tide took it first. I would have let the birds finish it. It’s all gone now, in just a day.
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